Court of Appeal Lawyer; born in Ptolemaida, Greece, in 1991. Admitted in Thessaloniki Bar Association in 2018.
Postgraduate Studies Program (M.A. in Art Law and Arts Management), School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics, International Hellenic University (2021-2023).
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Law (LL.B. 2015).
The Evolution of U.S. Originality in Copyright Law and a Comparison with the E.U. (Master Thesis in the framework of Postgraduate Studies Program in Art Law and Arts Management), 2023.
Professional experience
Complete handling of numerous legal cases and legal support regarding Real Estate Law and Notarial Acts, with emphasis on property exploitation and transactions.
Representation of Greeks Abroad regarding their legal cases back in Greece (e.g., Real Estate management, settlement of inheritance cases, arrangements of tax cases, representation before the Greek Courts and before Administrative Authorities).
Residence permit first issue and renewal concerning foreign permanent residents abroad Greece, management of their Real Estate Property in Greece and general representation of them regarding their legal cases in the country.
Research, gathering, evaluation and submission of all the necessary documents (ownership declaration included) regarding the completion of the cadastral survey procedure (L.2308/95).
Handling of legal cases concerning car accidents (settlement of compensation claims either out of court or in court).
Scientific Conference with the title “Recent legislative changes in copyright law: laws 4996/2022 and 4961/2022” organized by the Hellenic Copyright Organization (HCO) in cooperation with the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, February 14th-15th, 2023
Seminar and Certification «Legal English», National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (e-learning), January- April 2021.
Seminar and Certification «Intellectual Property Law (Copyright)», National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (e-learning), January-July 2020.
Seminar with the title “Judicial Protection of rights and relations in rem in terms of the Greek Civil Code and the National Cadaster (L.2664/1998)”, NOMIKI VIVLIOTHIKI January 2020.
Greek, English, French
Practice Areas
Real Estate Law, Cadastral Law, Intellectual Property Law (Copyright), Art Law, Car Accidents
210 361 1225
210 361 1236
210 361 0227
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