Lawyer, D.E.A. , Accredited Mediator

Managing Partner of the law firm “NICOLAS KANELLOPOULOS CHARA ZERVA & ASSOCIATES” member of the international network of Law Firms “INTERNATIONAL JURISTS”, Supreme Court Lawyer, Accredited Mediator since 2014, GDPR Expert and DPO Consultant.


  • Université de Montpellier I and University of Athens, Doctorate Thesis : «Les délits financiers internationaux», elaborated).
  • Université de Montpellier I, D.E.A de Contrats d’Affaires 2000.
  • Université de Montpellier I, D.E.A de Droit Pénal – Sciences Criminelles 1999.
  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Law School, (L.L.B. 1997).


  • ”Le blanchiment des capitaux en France et en Grèce” (dissertation Montpellier I), Sept. 1999.
  • ”Unemployment: the source of all problems”, newspaper “Ethnos”, March 21, 2000.
  • ”4 trillion drachmas…dirty money enter in Greece”, newspaper “Ethnos”, Sept. 11, 2000, p.27-8, 37-8.
  • Contribution with two reports to the conduction and designation of the ‘’Corporate Action Planning of SDOE (Greek Force of Pursuit of Financial Crime)’’ regarding the ‘’Prevention and Repression of Money Laundering’’, July 2001.
  • ”Offshore Companies and Money Laundering”, Dec. 2000 for the Hellenic Bank Union (awarded as the best dissertation by the Hellenic Bank Union), Journal “Criminal Justice”, October 2001.
  • «Money Laundering: Myth or truth its confrontation in the Greek reality? «, in Journal “Nomiko Vima”, April 2002 and in coll. “Anti-criminal Policy III”, (direct. Courakis), 2003, Sakkoulas editions.
  • “Offshore Companies: Commercial Merit or Social Demerit?”, Journal “DIKAIORAMA”, issue 2, Jan. – Mar. 2005.
  • “Valued Added Tax Rebate and Prescription of the relevant right. When is it time barred in 3 years and when is it time bared in 5 years”, Journal “DIKAIORAMA”, issue 3, Apr. – June2005.
  • “International Book Models: Obligation or Discretion?” Journal “DIKAIORAMA”, issue 5, Oct.-Dec. 2005.
  • The new legal framework for the short-term lease (Airbnb), 8 February 2017,
  • The tax treatment of the uncertain demands in case of debtor’s bankruptcy or his entry to a pro- bankruptcy procedure, 23 June 2017,
  • The new European Regulation about Personal Data Protection (GDPR), 13 Nov. 2017,
  • «Health, Biometric and Genetic Data Under GDPR», Greek Law Digest, 15 Feb. 2019.
  • «Telework & GDPR»,, 22 April 2020.
  • New guidance from the Hellenic Data Protection Authority on the right to be informed for CCTV Systems. (, June 12th 2020).
  • «Strategic Investments and Fast – Track Procedure The new effective Legal Framework». (Greek Law Digest , October 2020).
  • Interview on Investment’s issues on LAWYER magazine as the Chief Legal Officer of Enterprise Greece SA
  • “The reform of the investment portfolio of Strategic Investments by Law 4864/2021”. (SYNIGOROS law magazine, issue 148, February 2022.)
  • Presentation enitled “Strategic Investments in Practice” (Law 4864/2021) at the seminar on organised by Nomiki BiBliothiki. (March 2022)
  • Presentation on the “Institutional Framework for Personal Data Protection” under the Postgraduate Program “Banking & Finance” of the University of Piraeus, on Saturday, May 14, 2022.)
  • Interview on the new investment friendly incentives provided by the strategic investments’ legislative regime , (“Dikaio kai Epixeirein’’ edition of Kathimerini/Nomiki Bibliothiki May 23, 2023)
  • “The impact of the GDPR legal framework on corporate governance and compliance.”( issue 26 LAWYER, May – June 2023
  • “Strategic Investments’ Incentive Schemes”. (POLITICAL, February 24, 2024)
  • “Legislative initiatives and actions to enhance entrepreneurship and investments”( issue 30 LAWYER, January – February 2024)

Professional Activities

She has served as legal advisor to public organizations, as well as legal entities under public and private law, both national and foreign. He has specialized experience in business law, in international public tenders and public procurement, as well as in the implementation of strategic and large-scale investments, co-financed programs and funds. She has an expertise in financing and state aid, as well as in representing Public Contracting Authorities before the Committee of Financial Control and other supervisory authorities. Indicatively:

  • She is Head of the Legal Department of “Enterprise Greece” – formerly “Invest in Greece S.A.”, since 2011, the national state owned entity on the promotion of Investment and Trade, with special experience in strategic and large investments, including the assessment and licensing of investments in renewable energy sectors [strategic investments for the installation of photovoltaic and wind farms, the construction of a floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) etc.], public law, public procurement, state aid, as well as the implementation of co-funded NSRF programs. He has been involved in the legislative process of all the strategic investment related legislation since 2010, as well as in advising on necessary amendments.
  • She is Legal Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Development Bank (2020 – present).
  • She is Legal Advisor and member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Development Bank of Investments (formerly TANEO), with significant involvement in funds and venture capitals (2020 – today).
  • She provides legal advisory services and specialized legal support to the Board of Directors of the Company under the name “Elevate Greece S.A.” (October 2023 – April 2024).
  • She provides specialized legal services to the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSR) of the Ministry of Development, for the execution of public tenders and the implementation of RRF projects (2023 – present).
  • She provides specialized legal services, under a framework agreement, to assist the work of the Special Service for the Coordination of the Recovery Fund of the Ministry of Finance in the exercise of its responsibilities as defined in the legislation in force and in particular in the Management and Control System of the actions and projects financed from Recovery and Resilience Fund resources (2022 – present).
  • She is Legal Advisor to the INFORMATION SOCIETY S.M.S.A., on all issues related to the conduct of tendering procedures and the award of public contracts under Law No. 4412/2016, NSRF, monitoring – supervision of the execution of public contracts and state aid (2020 to date).
  • She is Legal Advisor to the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) for the implementation of projects of strategic importance, funded by the Resilience and Recovery Fund (2021 today) and the preparation and implementation of strategic infrastructure projects (2022 – today).
  • She provides legal advice to the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations SA (“Growthfund S.A.”) on corporate governance issues (2021 – today).
  • She serves as Legal Counsel of the Holy Metropolis of Nea Ionia and the non-profit organization “Ionic Center”, responsible for public works tendered by them as contracting authorities.
  • She serves as Legal Advisor regarding the legislation of strategic investments and the evaluation of the relevant projects.
  • She serves as legal advisor to private companies on the licensing and implementation of renewable energy projects (photovoltaic parks, wind farms, projects for the installation of carbon capture and storage units, etc.) and legal representation of companies operating in the field of in the Greek RES market before national courts and regulatory authorities, including the Energy Regulatory Authority.
  • She serves as legal Counsel in PPP (Public Private Partnership) projects.
  • She is the head of the data protection team of the Law Firm “Nicolas Kanellopoulos – Chara Zerva and & Associates Law Firm – NK Law Firm””, legal advisor to companies on data protection issues and implementation of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679) and Data Protection Officer (DPO) in companies and business groups.

Chara, has also served as:

  • Legal Advisor of the SPECIAL SERVICE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE BUSINESS PROGRAMME “TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURES, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” (EYD YMEPEPAA) of the Ministry of Development and Investment on public law, public procurement, and state aid issues (07/2022 to 07/2023).
  • Legal Advisor of the Special Secretariat for ERDF, CF and ESF Programs Management/Special Management Service of the Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Operational Program / Unit C – Organization – Support, under a contract with our law firm, for the execution of a project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund, for the provision of legal services and legal advice related to proceedings before courts, judicial or institutional bodies and (2021 – 2023).
  • Legal Advisor to the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises (SETE) (April 2013 – July 2019) and the Institute of the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises (INSETE).
  • Consultant to Banking Institutions on banking and investment issues. Consultant on specific tax and administrative law issues to Banking Institutions, as well as tax consultant to Business Groups and companies.
  • Legal advisor to legal persons governed by private law for the participation and implementation of NSRF programs (process of obtaining management capacity, submission of technical sheets, drafting of the call for the implementation of an action, etc.).
  • Legal Advisor to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Networks on concessions, privatizations, major projects, state aid (July 2013 – January 2015) and representation of the Minister in his contacts with the Public Private Property Development Fund, pursuant to the Decision of the Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks No. 1510/30-07-2013.
  • Legal Advisor to the Minister of Development, Competitiveness and Shipping (August 2011-March 2012) (indicative work):
    • Coordinator of the Legislative Drafting Committee for the drafting of Law 4072/2012 “Improvement of the Business Environment and other provisions” and special advisor (Ministry of Development, Competitiveness and Shipping).
    • Responsible for amending the provisions of the legislation on strategic investments “fast-track” (Law 3894/2010),
    • Responsible for drafting the provisions for the lifting of the cabotage, as well as for amending the provisions of the Development Law (Law 3299/2004).
    • Legal support in the process of designing, restructuring and integrating new financial instruments backed by Community funds into the Greek economy. Cooperation to this end with the European Task Force.
    • Responsible for the formulation of the new organizational structure of the services of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness and Maritime Affairs and for the drafting of the relevant bill and presidential decree.
    • Legal support in the drafting of the provisions of Law 4058/2012 “Provision of security services by armed guards on merchant ships for protection against piracy and other provisions”.
  • Special Advisor on legal issues to the Committee established by Ministerial Decision for the study of the establishment and operation of an Investment Bank in Greece “Institution for Growth – Greek Investment Fund” (March 2012 – 2015), in cooperation with the Task Force, EIF and KfW.
  • Special advisor on legal issues to the Minister of Citizen Protection (March 2012-2013).
  • Special Advisor on tax and general legal issues to the Minister of State (November 2009 – August 2011) (indicative work):
  • Member of the Legislative Committee for the amendment of the tax legislation, whose work led to the drafting of the provisions of Law 3842/2010 (2009-2010).
  • Member of the Legislative Working Group for the drafting of the provisions on strategic investments of Law 3894/2010.
  • Responsible for the legal drafting of the draft laws of the Ministry of Finance (November 2009-April 2011).
  • Legal support to the committee responsible for the privatization of public enterprises (December 2010-April 2011).
  • Vice President of the Committee Investment Plans of “The Chamber of Greek – Chinese Economic Cooperation” (September 2020 – 2023).


Greek, English and French.

Practice Areas

Public law, public procurement, public works, state aid, PPPs, co-financed programs, financial instruments, Business law, Company law, Investment law, Tourism law , Data Protection Law, Tax law, listed companies, stock exchange products, bond issues, investment projects, Foreign Investments; Public Contracts; PPP law (N. 3389/2005); Administrative litigation.

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